030 84 18 34 06 info@chiroberlin.de
Anne Rampacher

Anne Rampacher

Anne Rampacher MSc Chiro – AECC BScHons Human Sciences BScHons Psychology with Biology – Buckingham University Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practioner (C.C.E.P.) Heilpraktikerin   Founder and Director of the Chiropraktikzentrum Berlin Member of the...
Sandrine Bellier

Sandrine Bellier

Sandrine Bellier Master of Chiropractic Heilpraktikeranwärterin unter Supervision Sandrine Bellier studied medicine in Rennes (Brittany, France) for 2 years after her high school diploma in natural sciences. Here she very quickly discovered her enthusiasm for...
Joachim Cook

Joachim Cook

Joachim Cook Master of Chiropractic – AECC Alternative Practitioner candidate under supervision Joachim comes from a family of chiropractors, which sparked an early interest in the profession. This ultimately led to him studying a 5-year masters in his home town...
Antoine Chomat

Antoine Chomat

Antoine Chomat Master of Chiropractic – IFEC Alternative Practitioner candidate under supervision ​Antoine was born in the French Alps but grew up in Singapore. This shaped his love of travel and his interest in multiculturalism from an early age. Since his...
Nele Piepenbrink

Nele Piepenbrink

Nele Piepenbrink Master of Chiropractic – AECC Heilpraktikeranwärterin unter Supervision   In the summer of 2022, Nele completed her 5-year chiropractic studies at the AECC University College in Bournemouth, obtaining a first class honours masters degree:...