Dear patients,
Chiropraktik Zentrum will continue to stay open this week. We endeavour to provide our patients with the safest and most hygienic care.
According to the latest and strictest recommendations from the international health guidelines, we will be massively decreasing the patient frequency in our clinic.
We will do our best to contact you although if you are not contacted please call the clinic prior to your appointment. This way we can discuss and ask you questions regarding your health and whether your treatment will be postponed or is necessary.
If you can answer yes to the following please contact the practice immediately;
1. If you feel sick due to fever, colds, flu or pneumonia.
2. If you are chronically ill or immunocompromised. (MS, diabetes etc).
3. If you are currently pregnant.
4. If you have traveled in the last 14 days.
5. If you feel like you’ve come into contact with anyone that has tested positive with the corona virus.
If you need to speak to a practitioner, notify the reception and a practitioner will call you back for further guidance.
We are doing our best to cater to everyone’s needs but please ensure you follow these tips when coming into the practice this week:
1. No shaking hands.
2. Use one squeeze of disinfectant when entering the clinic.
3. Avoid touching furniture and objects in the waiting room, we have removed all toys, reading material and drinking water from the waiting room and will only allow one patient at a time to wait in this area.
We would like you to ensure you that we are adhering to all cleaning and disinfection guidelines and are doing everything we can to minimise the risk of transmission in our practice.
For daily updates please keep eyes on our Facebook or call the practice immediately.
Yours truly,
The Chiroberlin Team.
Chiropraktik Zentrum, Berlin.