030 84 18 34 06 info@chiroberlin.de

Treatment by qualified chiropractors contributes significantly to the return of normal musculoskeletal functioning and the optimisation of the neighbouring neural tissue. Private health insurance companies have recognised this for a long time and generally refund treatment costs.

The BKK24 has become the first state-based health insurance company to refund a portion of the costs arising from treatment by chiropractors who belong to the German Association of Chiropractors (Deutsche Chiropraktoren-Gesellschaft e. V.). 50 per cent of the gross amount invoiced for the initial examination, or up to €40, will be refunded. A flat rate of €25 of the treatment costs will be refunded for each subsequent visit (to a maximum of six per calendar year).

All of the chiropractors at the Chiropraktikzentrum Berlin are members of the German Chiropractors’ Association (Deutsche Chiropraktoren Gesellschaft e. V.). If you are insured with the BKK24, please let us know. We’d be happy to give you the necessary documentation.

You can find more information (German) on the BKK24 here >>